4 Car Decluttering Tips And How To Keep It Organized

A young family organizing the back of their SUV.You spend a lot of time in your car, so it’s only natural that things get a little cluttered from time to time. If you’ve found yourself with a messy, cluttered car, use these tips to clean it and keep it clean once and for all.

Take Everything Out, Sort It Out

To start, you’ll want to take every item out of your car. From here, you can organize things into three piles: keep in-car, trash, and store elsewhere. Use these categories to sort every item that was in your car, and only put the essentials back in. You’ll want to make sure you have items like a spare phone charger, jumper cables, first aid kit, tire pressure monitor, sunglasses, and any necessary paperwork in your vehicle at all times. Throw away the items in your “trash” pile, and move the items marked “store elsewhere” to a location inside your home or garage.

Store By Section

Now that you have just the essentials, you need to know where to put them, and we always recommend splitting your car into three sections: the front seats, rear seats, and trunk. In the front, store things like your registration and proof of insurance, sunglasses, phone charger, extra napkins, and change for parking meters. Store any maps, atlases, guide books, or children’s activities in the rear seat pockets. Finally, store emergency kits, jumper cables, sports gear, and lesser-used items in your trunk.

Use Storage Bins

If you can, purchase low-cost storage containers from the store to keep things extra organized in your car. You can use a folder to hold papers in the glove box, a change purse for loose coins, pop-up bins in the trunk, and over-the-seat storage bags in the rear. When everything has a place, it’s easier to keep things clean.

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Clean Often

Give plastic grocery bags a second life by keeping a few in your car at all times. You can use them to collect trash and clutter that can easily be thrown away or brought inside at the end of every day, or every week if you find clutter doesn’t accumulate too quickly. Try to get into a good cleaning routine where you vacuum, dust, and declutter your car on a monthly basis to help keep it looking spic and span.

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