Graduating is a significant accomplishment and a reason to celebrate. Many graduates choose to mark the occasion by purchasing a new vehicle. You can get a great deal on your post-graduation ride with the Honda Graduate Program. With this program, you can save $500 when you buy or lease a 2020 or newer model through Honda Financial Services. Get the details and then find out if you qualify for this program.
How to Qualify For the Honda Graduate Program
The Honda Graduate Program is open to new and upcoming graduates. You could use the program if you graduated in the last two years. Also, you can get this special deal if you are going to graduate in the next six months. That could be an excellent gift to yourself for your upcoming graduation.
You need to be currently employed or have a firm commitment from an employer to qualify for the program. Also, you cannot have an adverse credit history.
Honda will ask you for some documents as well. Once you provide the documents, you will find out if you qualify for this exclusive deal.
Additional Benefits With the Honda Graduate Program
You get more than $500 off your new vehicle when you qualify for the Honda Graduate Program. As a new graduate, you might be living on your own for the first time and need some time to arrange your finances. You can get everything in order by deferring your first payment for 90 days.
This program also offers competitive financing rates and lease packages. The team will go over your options to help you find something that works with your budget.
Finally, the Honda Lease Program is an excellent way to build your credit. You will need good credit to rent or buy a home and more. Some employers even require a solid credit history before hiring employees. Getting your credit on track now will help you build your life after graduation.
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Should You Buy or Lease?
You will need to decide if you want to buy or lease your new Honda. Buying generally comes with higher monthly payments, but you will own the car after making the last payment. Then you can sell it or trade it in. Also, you will have the option of customizing your vehicle if you own it.
You won’t own the vehicle if you lease it, but you can expect to pay less each month. Because leases are generally more affordable, it’s easier to get a car with more bells and whistles while sticking to your budget. However, you cannot customize a leased vehicle.
O’Daniel Honda in Omaha, Nebraska, is here to help you decide between buying and leasing. We can also see if you qualify for the Honda Graduate Program. Visit our dealership today to find the right Honda for starting your post-graduation life.
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