You don’t need to set aside a big chunk of your paycheck to be able to afford some fancy fall decorations. You can use simple things that can be found outside your home to decorate your home as the weather transitions this fall! Take a look at these super simple DIY décor hacks to save you some money and leave your home looking fresh for fall!
Toilet Paper Pumpkins
For this DIY hack, you need a roll of toilet paper, orange gift wrapping tissue paper, cinnamon sticks, and fake leaves. Using the tissue paper, cover your toilet paper roll completely. Stick the cinnamon sticks through the top of the tube and add in some fake leaves to make your roll look just like a miniature pumpkin.
Leaf Bowl
You need to pick up the prettiest fall leaves from the ground outside for this fun little craft! Using white glue or mod podge, attach the leaves in a bowl shape to the outside of a blown up balloon. Let it sit until the leaves are completely dry or until the glue or mod podge you used is clear. Pop the balloon and now you have a super cute bowl that is perfect for placing Halloween treats inside!
Pine Cone Bird Feeder
In a bowl, mix together peanut butter with birdseed. Using a butter knife, spread the mixture all over a pinecone you find outside your home. Tie a long piece of twine to the top of the pinecone. Use the pine to then place it somewhere you will be able watch the birds snack from indoors! This little craft provides entertainment even after it is finished.
Fall Tree
Grab a tomato cage from your garden shed and bring it inside. Use hot glue to place fake fall colored leaves all over the tomato cage to create a tree-like look. Now you have a super cute and simple fall tree to decorate your home with! These look super cute on porches or staked in outdoor flowerbeds.
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Scented Pinecones
Spray a mixture of water and cinnamon oil all over some pretty pinecones that you find outside. Sprinkle cinnamon on top. After, pop them in the over for just a few minutes. Now you have some simple items to add to your other fall decorations that will leave your home smelling delicious as well!
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