There’s something about a slow Saturday or Sunday morning. Whether you start your day with a walk, a cup of joe, or a hearty breakfast, you’ll want to fit a stroll to the Omaha Farmers Market into your routine. Pack up the kids and your pup to browse the streets and shop local!
Aksarben Village
Every Sunday, from May 8 to October 16, 2022, you can find the Omaha vendors at Arkarben Village at 67th Street and Mercy Road. Vendors will be lined up on the streets from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., so the good news is that you won’t have to wake up super early to get amazing deals on fresh, local goods. From freshly made soaps to treats for your pup, homemade bread, landscaping and gardening items, and custom-made macaroons, you can’t go wrong with the goodies made right here in Omaha. And if you find yourself without any cash upon arrival, no worries there. There is a Security National Bank ATM located at the corner of 64th Avenue for your convenience.
Sponsors include Aksarben Village, KET7 ABC, Papillion Sanitation, Physicians Mutual, Security National Bank, The Sherwood Foundations, Sweet 98.5, The University of Nebraska Omaha, and Veridian Credit Union.
Old Market
If you reserve Saturday for a day full of fun, you’ll be excited to hear that the Saturday market takes place at 11th and Jackson Streets in the Old Market district every Saturday from May 7 to October 15, 2022, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Parking is a breeze with options to park at the City Parking Garage at 1011 Jackson Street for a bargain of $1 an hour or the Landmark Garage at 12th and Harney for $2 the first hour and $1 for each additional hour. You will also find parking meter options throughout downtown. The first hour from 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. is free on Saturdays.
The same elite vendors attend on Saturdays, so whether you want authentic Mexican enchiladas to take home, something special from the lavender farm, homemade jewelry, coffee beans, handmade pottery, or delectable egg rolls, you’ll find all kinds of goodies at Old Market. Additional sponsors include Best Care, Park Omaha, and Wells Fargo.
Participating Vendors
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If you have any questions about the market or would like further information about being a part, contact Kristen Beck at 402-345-5401 or kbeck@vgagroup.com.
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