The pop and indie music scene seems to not want to stick to any clear labels anymore. Even ones that originate from certain states seem to want to branch out to try combining multiple genres. They also seem to want to express themselves uncensored through their music.
If you live in... [read more]
Looking for a great way to celebrate Father's Day with your dad? We've come up with some great options for you!
Strategic Air Command & Aerospace Museum
Plan an adventure for your dad this year and treat him to a visit to the Strategic Air Command & Aerospace Museum! All Dads (accompanied... [read more]
There are many holidays that are celebrated in June - from Father's Day to Flag Day, to Children's Day. Around the world, these holidays are celebrated in many different forms. Some are created to be fun and give us a break from our everyday lives. Others are developed to show respect, appreciation,... [read more]
The sun has finally come out which can only mean one thing- time for those awesome summer festivals! Festivals are a must when you want to have fun outdoors. For those in Nebraska, there's one coming up in the beginning of June that would be a bummer to miss: The... [read more]
When it comes to meeting famous people from movies and tv shows, there are only a few places that beat a comic con. One such convention, O Comic Con, is coming to an arena near Omaha, NE. Be sure to make it to this event and get ready for some... [read more]
The musical RENT first began its legendary run off-Broadway on February 13, 1996. This first performance went extremely well. So well in fact, that it joined the prestigious run on Broadway on April 29th of the same year. Now, RENT is a classic rock musical that people still love today!... [read more]
Lions, and tigers, and monkeys, and bears, and…. You get the point. Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium is full of animals, so consider stopping by this spring. With so much to see, set aside the entire day and have a fun day at the zoo.
Exhibits at the Zoo
If you... [read more]
Omaha makes the great outdoors more fun than imaginable. If you’re lucky enough to live in Omaha, be sure to check out these outdoor options. These activities will ignite your love of the outdoors once and for all. You will finally realize that Omaha is the best place to live... [read more]
Omaha residents have the chance to break a Guinness World Record! This isn't just any old world record to beat. This amazing world record is patriotic and perfect for Memorial Day Weekend! Join in on The Great American Flag Project!
Join in the Fun While Making History
History is going to be made... [read more]
You have a ton of options for Mexican food in Omaha, but you don’t want to go to any old restaurant. You want to go to one of the best. Visit one of these Mexican restaurants, and you will enjoy the best food Omaha has to offer. Whether you want... [read more]