2021 is coming to an end, and it is time to start thinking about the new year! Are you looking for self-reinvention? Are you wanting to kick a bad habit? Are you maybe looking to take on a new hobby? All of these things make great New Year's resolutions! Unfortunately,... [read more]
There are several ways to go about buying a new car and save some money. Everyone and their uncle will try to give you advice on what’s right and wrong when it comes to getting your new set of wheels. Of course, most people are just passing along what they’ve... [read more]
Furniture is expensive to replace, so you don’t want to buy new items just because your current look is out of style. You can change up the look for much less by painting the furniture and replacing the hardware. When you take on the project, you can choose a paint... [read more]
When the temperatures rise, and the sun starts to shine more, it’s a lot more appealing to get outdoors. You’ll also sport short-sleeve shirts and shorts to feel stylish and comfortable. Of course, you’ll want to take care of your skin as you start to expose more of it to... [read more]
Most people in Omaha, Nebraska, look forward to the summertime. Temperatures are warmer, the sun is out, and outdoor activities beckon. With these months comes some challenges, however. One of the biggest is how to keep the interior of your car feeling cooler. No one wants to ride around town... [read more]
Using a dull knife makes you less efficient in the kitchen and can be dangerous. Dull knives tend to slip, meaning you’re more likely to cut yourself. Plus, it’s hard to cook food evenly when it’s been cut with a dull knife. Fortunately, you don’t have to replace dull knives.... [read more]
Does it seem like your energy bill continues to grow year after year? You are tired of paying so much for energy every spring and summer, and you’re looking for ways to save. These tips will help you reduce your energy consumption, which will lower your costs. Incorporate the tips... [read more]
Spring cleaning is almost here! You may be thinking of the standard and expected things to clean up and get rid of, but this year we challenge you to think outside the box. What are some items you commonly use but hardly ever clean? If your mind has suddenly drawn... [read more]
What is something that you use in almost every single recipe? Spices of course! Spices add variety to your dishes. Since you only have so many combinations of meats, vegetables, and fruits that you can use to cook with, spices add subtle, or noticeable, flavors to all of these ingredients.... [read more]
The holidays are right around the corner, which means it is almost time to start finding gifts for your loved ones! If you have no idea where to start for holiday shopping, we have some tips to help you out.
The first thing you will want to do when getting ready... [read more]